Thursday, August 23, 2007

End of the Journey

Here's what we looked like at a wedding reception at the end of July. No symptoms associated with chemo and radiation remain. My strength and stamina are at about 95%. Hair is growing slowly, as you can see, sort of.

Am almost back to my normal routine. Played golf last week and for the first time since this journey began, I did not feel exhausted towards the end of the round. Now I'll have to start working on lowering my scores! Jogged my normal loop last Saturday, and, another first, did not have to stop to walk along the way. My biggest dilemma is whether to stay with my current, no-care hair style!

Thanks to all of you who have traveled with me on this journey. It has been an ordeal I would wish on no one, but one which I would not trade for anything. It has strengthened by faith, renewed old friendships, given me a kinship with other survivors and has shown me God's love through your outpouring of love, support and prayers.

My next check up is in October, 2007. Am scheduled for complete bloodwork and full body CAT/PET scans. Will keep this blog open but won't post unless something occurs before then.

Thanks to all again. I cherish your friendship and love! May God bless you!