Thursday, November 5, 2009

Still Good News!

Went in for my semiannual checkup last month, which included a PET scan. Negative results! I'm still in remission and living each day as if I were dying (which we all are!).

Thanks be to God's grace for each day He gives us to enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Still In Remission!!!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and that 2009 is turning out to be the best year yet! We had very quiet holidays and tried to remember why we celebrate the season.

Had a quarterly check-up last week, including blood tests and x-rays. All thanks and glory to God, I'm still in remission!! In addition, since I'm approaching my second anniversary of my initial diagnosis, I'm now on a semi-annual schedule of check-ups! Physically, I'm feeling great (except for the age-related aches and pains!).

Life has returned to "normal" for now but I try to live each day as the gift that it is. This whole episode has given me a fresh, renewed appreciation for the sanctity, value and fragility of life, and has been a wonderful reminder of the One who is the author of life.