Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December Update

Had a routine check up yesterday with my radiologist, Dr. Becker. He ordered blood work and a chest x-ray to check lymph nodes which are not otherwise accessible. All looks good but lab results won't be known for about a week.

Visiting the radiology and hemotology departments again reminded me that I should never take any new day for granted. I'm back to about 100% of where I was before I started this journey although, because I'm older, I seem to get fatigued a bit more easily. Nothing to be concerned about when I recall not being able to jog even 100 yards without having to slow to a walk.

The Christmas season is upon us and I'm on a personal mission to wish as many people a very merry Christmas. Bah Humbug to political correctness! So to one and all, Merry Christmas and here's wishing you an absolutely awesome 2008!