Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Relay for Life

The American Cancer Society is sponsoring a Relay for Life on July 14-15 at Magic Island, Honolulu, HI. Our team has been named PODracers for Phil (me), Omi (Geri's sister, also a survivor) and Denys (Geri's sister-in-law, who passed away from cancer) by our team captain, Rodney Tam, Geri's nephew.

ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE, but if you'd like to make a donation go to this site Simply click on my name. If you're in Honolulu, please consider joining our team for this overnighter which should be lots of fun for a very worthy cause.

Bottom Line on the Bottom: Radiation is almost done but side effects of painful mouth and sores persist. Only three more to go! God is good!

Monday, June 25, 2007

June 25, 2007

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): Side effects of radiation are showing up--the entire inside of my mouth, including my tongue, feels like I've got a sunburn (gotta quit driving around with the top down and my mouth wide open!) and gums on the right upper side are very sensitive to spices, heat and touch.

I've also been very fatigued which, both my radiologist and the head radiology nurse say, has nothing to do with the treatments. Sleeping nine hours per night and still having to take naps, no stamina when doing anything physical--not too good for productivity but I did manage to get the yard done this weekend. Bloodwork last week was in the low but normal ranges. As the saying goes, I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired!

But only six more radiation treatments to go! Still praising God for every new day and for the blessings of family, friends and his glorious creation! Have a great week!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007

BLUF: Completed four of 15 daily radiation treatments this morning. Compared to chemo, this is a walk in the park: 10 minutes, start to finish, no side effects.

If pics are worth a 1,000 words, here are 2,000 words. I know this looks like something out of "Tales from the Crypt" but pic shows me strapped into my rigid plastic, full-head mask to insure that I don't move so that only affected area is radiated: And here's an artsy pic of the laser alignments (reference marks on the mask and one tatooed dot on my sternum) used to insure that I'm exactly where I need to be when they ZAP me with radiation:Only 11 more treatments to go! Praising God for the knowledge of the doctors, the skill of the technicians, the love of family and friends and most of all, for His mercy and grace!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

June 9, 2007

BLUF: Nothing but good news this past week!

On Thursday, had appt w/radiologist, Dr. Becker. After consultation with the leading expert on lymphoma in the country, he decided to radiate only the affected area in my upper jaw, obviating the possibility of adverse effects on my salivary glands, which might cause dry mouth, change the pH in my mouth resulting in caries and other not-so-good things.

After my encouraging conversation with Dr. Becker, I went back to the technical part of the clinic where I had a full-face, or rather, full-head mask fabricated: heated, perforated plastic, which resembles cheesecloth when stretched, was placed over my face, stretched and attached to the table under my head as it will be during radiation. As the plastic cooled, it became rigid, ensuring that I do not move when the radiation is administered. The technicians then turned on laser locaters and drew landmarks on the mask with one on my sternum (actually just a Sharpie line covered with a very sticky clear adhesive patch) .

Yesterday, Friday, I had an appointment with my oncologist, Dr. Hastings. After reviewing lab results and a physical exam she, though understandably, very cautiously conservative in the past, used the "R" word: it appears that my disease is in REMISSION! Even though it was Friday afternoon, she smiled broadly because she got to deliver such great news which probably does not happen very often in her profession.

While I am looking forward to getting the daily radiation treatments behind me, I have a renewed appreciation for life every day, for God's beauty all around us, for family, for friends and for the power of prayer. If you are one of many around the world who whispered a prayer for me, please shout a joyful THANKSGIVING because He heard and answered! I am grateful, amazed, humbled and still nearly bald! Have an awesome weekend!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5, 2007

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)--Had only one (1) root canal which took less than an hour. Absolutely painless and uneventful! Tests indicated that only one tooth was adversely affected by the biopsy needing this treatment. I don't understand how this procedure came to be synonymous with pain!

Strength is slowly returning but blood counts as of last Friday show my hemoglobin at just inside low but normal levels, which accounts for my lack of stamina. Bad news is that it will probably take about three months to get back to normal. Good news is that chemo is OVER!

What hair didn't fall out is slowly growing back. Unfortunately, that's about half of what I had originally so it looks like salt/pepper peach fuzz along the top and back of my head. Still have no use for shampoo. Will post a pic as soon as it's visible! Facial hair, again what didn't fall out, is starting to grow again, forcing me to shave regularly again. Minor inconvienience!

Just received word that two more members from my active duy military organization died in Iraq. My heart aches for their families, one of which included two boys and an 11-month old girl. Please pray for all our service members who are fighting this war on terorism so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. We're still at war, although many, including those in Congress, seem to have forgotten. May God bless America!