Tuesday, February 26, 2008

January/February 2008 Update

Been busy, busy, busy with non-health related issues. Trust everyone had a blessed holiday season which we enjoyed with family and friends. January and February flew by with renovations to a townhouse we're trying to get ready to rent consuming most of our free time. It's been an educational experience, to say the least. Went with a general contractor friend who, to save us money, asked us to do all the legwork to purchase the major components: we now know about bathtubs, countertops, faucets, vent fans, paint, etc., etc., etc.!

In my case, no news is good news. My next checkup is in March and I've not had any sypmtoms which caused any concern, so will continue to praise God for his healing and sustaining power. Please join me in offering a praise of thanks!

Please pray for a dear friend of ours, Bill Gay, who suffered a mild heart attack three hours out on what was supposed to be a week-long cruise here in Hawaii. Bill now has the dubious distinction of having turned the ship around to return him to Honolulu. Yesterday, doctors discovered that he did have a blockage and inserted a stent. He's recovering and his wife, Lois is doing well, but we all covet your prayers for a full and speedy recovery.

Thanks in advance!

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