Friday, June 20, 2008

Another Quarterly Check

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Another quarterly check and another clean bill of health!! God is good! There was a little apprehension going into this check-up, not because the diagnosis may not be good, but because of what a bad diagnosis might mean in terms of more chemo and radiation. But the news was good--no sign of cancer!

The regimen is one more check-up in October, 2008, with complete PET/CT scans and if I'm still clean, then we'll move to, perhaps semi-annual checks. Hooray!!

My health has been good and I'm back to close to 100% of where I was when this journey began--minus the extra year older that I got! But the little aches and pains are less troublesome now and every day is still a gift which I appreciate and enjoy. Trying to spend some time on my golf game: the good news is that it hasn't gotten any worse; the bad news is that is hasn't gotten any better! I truly believe that God invented golf to keep us humble!!

Signing off for now. Still grateful, thanking God and swinging!

1 comment:

Honolulu Marathon Clinic said...

Phil and Geri:

We praise God for your great report!

You have been such a blessing to us as we see you travel through this trial. You are an amazing couple.

Kim & Jacque