Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31, 2007

BLUF: Had my last medical and lab appointments yesterday, four weeks to the day after my last radiation treatment. Diagnosis: REMISSION was reconfirmed!! I'm giving thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercies endure forever!

The rollercoaster parts of this journey appear to be over for now and a semblence of normalcy is returning. Effects of the radiation have all but disappeared--mild tongue sensitivity, taste abnormality, hair loss on upper lip and in nostrils remain, but they are all VERY minor annoyances. My stamina is back to about 90% of normal--no more must-have naps, a vast improvement over the 10% I experienced during chemo.

I continue to be in awe of and humbled by, the friendships, expressions of support and prayers of so many people during my journey. I am trying to share that forward with so many others who are either early in their own cancer journeys or who have resumed their journeys because of the return of this disease.

Please join me in sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise for He is, indeed, good!

1 comment:

Jim O'Brien said...

GREAT news, Phil!

Deo gracias!!!