Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 4, 2007

Bottom Line Up Front: All treatments are OVER! Praise God!!

Had my last radiation treatment on July 2nd--what a relief! I just realized that I've continuously been in tests, diagnoses and treatments of one kind or another since March. I won't know what to do with all my free time but this Independence Day is very special because I'm free of medical appointments! Not really, I do have two follow-up appointments but they aren't ntil the end of July!!

Anyway, the effects of radiaion, feeling like my entire mouth has been badly scalded, sore, swollen, almost peeling gums (tough to brush my teeth) and dry nostrils are all relatively minor when compared with the side effects of chemo. I guess most everything's relative.

Am getting stronger every day--my weekend jog did not, for the first time since treatment started, result in my feeling totally exhausted. My golf game hasn't improved but that probably has more to do with skill rather than stamina!

Looking forward to getting back to normal and giving God all the praise for my progress so far. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!! Please take a moment to say a prayer for all of those fighting for all the freedoms we enjoy every day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


What a procedure you must have gone through.....and food must not have tasted that great with all that weird stuff inside your mouth. You should try a Swiss Lindt chocolate truffle (ball), it would melt in your mouth and it would feel soooo good and smooth (I had one today)
best wishes and God's complete Healing
Kent and Elisabeth