Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5, 2007

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)--Had only one (1) root canal which took less than an hour. Absolutely painless and uneventful! Tests indicated that only one tooth was adversely affected by the biopsy needing this treatment. I don't understand how this procedure came to be synonymous with pain!

Strength is slowly returning but blood counts as of last Friday show my hemoglobin at just inside low but normal levels, which accounts for my lack of stamina. Bad news is that it will probably take about three months to get back to normal. Good news is that chemo is OVER!

What hair didn't fall out is slowly growing back. Unfortunately, that's about half of what I had originally so it looks like salt/pepper peach fuzz along the top and back of my head. Still have no use for shampoo. Will post a pic as soon as it's visible! Facial hair, again what didn't fall out, is starting to grow again, forcing me to shave regularly again. Minor inconvienience!

Just received word that two more members from my active duy military organization died in Iraq. My heart aches for their families, one of which included two boys and an 11-month old girl. Please pray for all our service members who are fighting this war on terorism so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. We're still at war, although many, including those in Congress, seem to have forgotten. May God bless America!

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