Monday, March 19, 2007

March 8, 2007

Not so great news. After being seen by my brother, Ken, on Feb 6th for what I thought was an infected tooth, he referred me to a root canal specialist. Finally got to see this specialist on Feb 22 after he got ill the week before. Not my root canals so he referred me to an oral surgeon who I saw on Feb 28th. He wants me to do a CAT scan before he does a biopsy but I'm too cheap when they tell me that my medical/dental coverage will not pay so I ask him to do the biopsy anyway. Got phone call from oral surgeon today. Biopsy of part of right upper jaw, above my eye tooth, came back positive for lymphoma, also known as B or large cell lymphoma. That's ok. God has given me a peace about this journey no matter what happens, when or where it ends.

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