Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Bottom line up front (BLUF)--Second chemo session yesterday went by faster: only five hours. Still have second-verse-same-as-the-first side effects but they're more moderate.

Burning lungs, parched throat, aching muscles! I went for a run, actually a jog, yesterday afternoon and managed to work up a good sweat. My red blood cell count is probably down accounting for the discomfort while exercising but I managed to go my normal distance despite having to walk three times. Was great to not feel the queasy insides for a while.

Got a new anti-nausea medication which I tried last night. After taking it, I was able to eat something even though I still had no appetite so maybe I won't lose as much as I did the last time.

Just knowing what to expect is half the battle.

The joy of the Lord is my strength!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Phil and geri
Just came home from Ohana and we prayed for you...just want you to know you are not alone in this.
Love and peace, strength and health,
the Kitagawa's